For a multipurpose use of your tractors, you need the appropriate tyres, designed to be as effective on roads or farmyards as in your fields.

polyculture farmingIt is difficult to find the perfectly versatile tractor which needs to be light and easily manoeuvrable in the farmyard, heavy and powerful to provide traction in the fields.

The same problem applies to tractor tyres which need to be large and supple for working the land, or narrow and hard to cope with farm work. This versatility is arriving with the latest generation of tyres which are more technical and technological, designed for the reality of life on the farm, which rarely involves just one type of activity.


How to choose the best tractor tyre for farming

Polyculture tractor for the farming of cows

Polyculture tyre for the breeding

Polyculture farming often involves a large proportion of animal, feed, hay, cleaning, building maintenance or building construction work, using the tractor for activities which are very different to working the land. For example, the use of a front loader bucket in the farmyard requires frequent sharp turns on a hard surface and would therefore increase the wear to a tyre that was too soft.

You would need to choose a reinforced tyre, which can cope with high pressure to resist the load. The tyre casing must have at least 6 layers of rubber on its lugs and numerous layers on the flank to avoid lateral damage and the risk of punctures.


Which tractor tyre provides the best traction in the fields?

Tracteur Polyculture élevage-champ

Polyculture tyre
for livestock and fields

Tyre design must consider the best possible capacity to provide the tractor’s full power on the ground.

The lugs need to be as long, large and deep as possible, this will guarantee unequalled traction. With longer treads or lugs, you will reduce spinning and increase your work rate.

It is always wise to adjust the pressure to avoid compressing the soil, and the tyres with the best results will be those that have a reinforced casing, capable of tolerating very low pressure.


Is there really a truly multipurpose tractor tyre?

Well, yes! The latest generation of tractor tyre, specially designed for a truly multipurpose use:

  • Adapted to the fields with deeper lugs for improved traction,
  • to the farmyard with a reinforced casing,
  • or to the road with up to 20% more rubber, if there are long distances between the fields.
The manufacturer even guarantes 10 years all radial Bridgestone tyres:



This information is intended only to make you aware of the technical and functional aspects of agricultural tires and their use. It does not allow you to make a judgment or a definitive conclusion on a given problem. Only your agricultural tire expert is able to make a technical assessment and take a final decision, case by case.